It's no secret that effective management enhances customer satisfaction and increases profits. Every business, regardless of its size, product, or corporate history, strives for high production at low cost, streamlined logistics, and efficient operations. However, while the goal is clear (reducing wasteful inefficiency), companies often lack the necessary tools to identify productivity problems and develop effective and lasting solutions. Shingijutsu Global Consulting specializes in helping companies achieve Lean production through Kaizen (Continuous improvement) using several proven methodologies such as Just-In-Time (JIT), Heijunka (leveled production), Jidoka(autonomation).
The Kaizen system, pioneered by Toyota in Japan, has been recognized as the premier efficiency technology in the business world, reducing unrecognized Muda (waste) in production and management practices, in some instances by as much as fifty percent. Many large manufacturing companies, such as Boeing, have used our consulting services and seminars to achieve more effective and efficient operations.
SKW (Shingijutsu Kaizen Workshop)
Gemba Kaizen
Logistics Kaizen
3P . . . and more!
The core approach to implementing Kaizen at your Gemba
Japan Tours
US Events
Private Program
An introduction to Lean
(Toyota Production System)
and Essential Kaizen Concepts
Know-how : SGC has the knowledge and tools to help your company improve profit and customer satisfaction through Lean practices...
Education : Our consultants' teach from Gemba and train your team through a hands-on approach to Kaizen...
Get started : Contact an SGC representative to start your Kaizen journey to Lean practices...Contact Us!
Kaizen Lean Revival &
Problem Solving