Seminar Training Calendar  2024

Classroom Instruction, Hands-On Practice and SGC's Exclusive Plant Tours

Kaizen is not a one-time activity, but rather a process of continuous analysis and adjustment as needs arise. After surgery, (a one-time intervention), consistent and appropriate treatment after the operation is necessary for final recovery of the patient.
It is the same in the business world: no one is able to care for your company better than your own staff. Success depends on their conscientious application of Kaizen principles. Therefore, SGC offers a wide variety of training opportunities to provide your staff on-going support. 

Public and Private Seminars Available
in Japan , the US and All Over the World

Public Seminars

SGC conducts regular public seminars, covering a variety of topics for every step of your Kaizen journey. 

Private Seminars

SGC organizes an exclusive special seminar only for you. We propose a satisfactory seminar for each to meet the degree of lean advancement and study theme you are interested in. Please Contact us about your requests for private seminars

Gemba Kaizen  

Experience Lean Implementation 
though the “3-GEN Principle"

Full details of the schedule - TBD

Practical Kaizen Training 

Start your Lean journey
Lean transformation

 October 21 - 25 Nagoya, Japan

Kaizen /Lean Revival & Problem Solving  

"Lead Time Reduction &
Problem Solving"

 Full details of the schedule - TBD 

JIDOKA Kaizen Seminar

Quality Improvement and Problem Solving 

“Quality Improvement” always exists in every corporate management tasks.
In order to raise the profit ratio, every company is trying to work on some of the quality improvement. And furthermore, the company must strive to improve the quality of service and the quality of products, based on the idea of “Customer First”. That is because it can become the company’s “Strength of Brand”.
An approach from problem solving as the method to improve quality is effective not only for manufacturing industry but also for service industry. 

Automated production works wonders when everything goes smoothly, but problems do occur. Manufacturing groups reduce the impact of these problems by Jidoka(Autonomation). Jidoka is the Kaizen principle that optimizes the automated production line. Since machines can’t make intelligent decisions, human operators must watch for and address problems as they arise. Therefore, we create a system with Jidoka as important as the JIT that “when a defect arises or it is likely to arise, it stops processing immediately.” That is, when abnormality occurs, it is immediately detected and stopped, so that the occurrence of defective product is prevented, and a process that “incorporates quality in the process” to produce only good quality products is created. As a result, this eliminates inspection and rework waste, releases a worker from watching machines, so the worker can perform other value-added work. Upon production activity, Jidoka must be implemented along with the JIT. In addition, you will learn how to build a Chaku-Chaku line, and a flexible manpower line that can respond to production fluctuations, how to arrange Standard Work, and how to create Karakuri equipement.

What will I gain from this seminar?
You will master skills to analyze and design a production system which mainly incorporates:
- Jidoka concept and its roles
- How to create a Chaku-Chaku line
- How to create a flexible manpower line and how to arrange Standard Work
- How to create Karakuri* equipment
      * A method of enabling equipment operation without using electricity, air pressure, etc.; using only gravity, springs, and weights.

Managers' Kaizen Strategies
for Lean

A System to improve management efficiency

It is not possible to introduce Toyota Production System in its exactly the same into your company.
Each company has built a good culture so far. And Toyota Production System is the world’s number one production system that enable to sustain company growth continuously. It is important how to unite the good culture of each company and Toyota Production System. In this seminar, you learn the methods and utilization to ingrain Kaizen permanently as a corporate culture.  

How should management be positioned to promote Lean activities? Important to Lean establishment is to clarify upper management policies and ensure everyone is moving in the same direction. It is also important to create an environment where anyone can work on Kaizen activities. We will introduce detailed methods of creating, and sustaining, a highly-motivated working environment. You will learn the roles and methods management should know for the deployment and establishment of Lean. You can observe how the Lean concepts learned in lectures is practiced on actual shop floors.

What will I gain from this seminar?
You will know...
- the role of management in promoting Lean 
- how to proceed with Hoshin Kanri and Daily Management
- how to create a workplace where you can continue Kaizen activities

Office Kaizen Seminar

Office Work Improvement

Demonstrate that Kaizen can be as successful in the office as it is on the shopfloor. Kaizen has its roots in the manufacturing industry, but if you can master the way of thinking about improvement, it can be applied to any workplace. You will learn techniques to solve problems through visualizing work; then expose problems and observe work from TPS point of view; focusing on factors such as the time spent on completing one task, the quality of the work being done, and whether the work is really necessary.  

Office Kaizen is basically the same as Kaizen practiced in manufacturing shop floor.
How long does it take to finish one task? How is the quality of that work?
Is there any unnecessary cost occurring? Is that work really necessary?
You will learn to find and solve the problem by understanding the current situation from the point of reduction of delivery, quality improvement, reduce cost and eliminate waste. You will experience practical approach through the basic lecture and hands-on practice in the class which is necessary to solve the problems. At the end of the tour, we are planning to take you to observe the actual office where they are working on office Kaizen

What will I gain from this seminar?
You will develop...
- an ability to practice various visualization techniques to find waste
- an eye for finding waste 
- an ability to eliminate

Plant Tour in Japan

While the decision to implement Kaizen affects every employee in a company, the success of Kaizen depends primarily on support from top management to all employee levels. The Executive Tour is designed specifically for a company’s key decision makers or personnel who may be in charge of Kaizen activities in future to understand the benefits of Kaizen and how it works.
The tour introduces participants to Japanese factories that already use Kaizen for real-life examples with tangible results.
Participants meet with Kaizen expert executives for question/ answer sessions and case study discussion. The plant tour is the best way for companies to learn just how much Kaizen may effectively improve their business results.

Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO) PLANT TOUR:
A seminar is scheduled for those who have involved in Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO). KPO members need basic knowledge of various Kaizen methods widely. This tour comprises a lecture on KPO, hands-on practice at a classroom and inspection tours of plants where the KPO has been successfully deployed. 

Kanban, Logistics and
Supply Chain Kaizen Seminar

First of all, the flow of material goods slows down in the process to "procure parts," "produce parts," "convey material within the factory," and "deliver finished products to clients," which necessitates a place to store those material goods. Since those material goods become inventory, it becomes necessary to have inventory control with more forms and to have a worker involved. Taking the chain-reaction of such waste as a problem, you will learn how to solve this problem. The Just In Time (JIT) is a system as well as an idea of “producing and conveying only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed," and you will learn the instrument called “Kanban" that realizes the JIT. In the Kanban you need to understand the entire Kanban system and learn the procedure of part procurement and logistics improvement.

What will I gain from this seminar?
You will understand...
- the JIT concept, and the concept of Kanban that is an instrument to realize JIT production
- production process flow and installation methods for Kanban
- JIT logistics and logistics optimization
- Procedures for logistics improvement
- Supply chain management

Production Preparation Process (3P) Seminar

Being the first to market doesn't guarantee beating the competition, but it certainly is a large step forward. However, in order to get that head start, a web of logistical issues - from procurement to equipment preparation - must be dealt with for efficient operations. To fully leverage this strategy, all logistical issues must be resolved at the lowest cost available with minimum time delays. This requires thorough, effective preparation and planning. The Just In Time (JIT) system can take a process from preproduction to production without waste or delays - if integrated correctly. Producing "Products" of superior quality, at a highly productive "Plant", via controlled "Processes" will lead to enhanced profits. In order to achieve this, all activities need to be reexamined starting at the most fundamental level, from the new product development stage through the production preparation stage. Starting at the preparation stage, all preparations need to be completed quickly and in a timely manner, based on the JIT concept.
The seminar aims to allow participants to acquire necessary acknowledge and ability to implement it. We call this Production Preparation Process activity "3P" and promote it.

What will I gain from this seminar?
You will master skills to analyze and design a production system which mainly incorporates:
- Effective production plans and processes based on the Shingijutsu Global Consulting Production System (SGC-PS)
- New product designs / manufacturing systems which eliminate problems inherent in traditional designs / systems


 Japan Benchmark Tour (Private)

“The most enjoyable tour, especially relevant to our industry. To experience their manufacturing flow was perfect!”
“Simulation helped me to better understand the flow.”
Kanban flow is a must process for JIT Karakuri. The experience was impressive and one that I have not realized anywhere before.”
“I appreciated the experience and all that I learned in this seminar.”
“I am so happy to see the real Japanese Kaizen culture. We will be following.”
“All of the lectures and plant tours were excellent. Depending on your business sector, the lectures can be even more beneficial.”
“I would have liked to visit even more factories and see more applications of Kaizen.”
“From the lectures and site visits, we now understand the Kaizen mentally. This will be a benefit as we apply it in our plants. Also, it helped us see differences between business cultures.”

The 21st Gemba Kaizen in Japan

“Very clear exercises. Helped with building knowledge and confidence in the topics.”
“Demonstrates the importance, value and challenges of spending time on the shopfloor.”
“Very interesting and rewarding. Will never forget!”
“I really enjoyed the week. It was very challenging.”
“It was so interesting and good to follow the Gemba Kaizen from beginning to the end. It was valuable to experience all the steps and especially the implementation and measure of results. I feel nobody else can give you this learning.”

Kaizen Study Mission in Japan 

“Hi. This experience with SGC has been great so far. I mean we’ve learned a lot. It’s a really good team that we got to work with. The in-class TPS sessions with Yokoo-san have been very very good. Also, the activity plans to teach us about TPS system hands-on was very helpful because we are doing Kaizen and we’re really learning how to apply what we’ve learned in class, so that was fantastic. And lastly the tour has been amazing to see the end result of a great Kaizen implementation! I look forward to apply TPS to be able to grow and approach the level of the places we’ve seen on the tour. So overall, I would definitely say that it’s exceeded my expectation. I’m glad I came here today. Thank you.”

Aanchal Sehgal
Manufacturing Engineer, Comtek Advanced Structures

Lean Development  through Kaizen- Hoshin Kanri (Policy Management) & Daily Management,Problem Solving in Japan

“I liked seeing different parts of worker’s activities (4M training, quality control, etc.)”
“Value Stream Mapping – learning how to create it and understanding Kanban better.”
“Understanding how corporate Hoshin ties in to daily activities at Gemba.”
“I would like to see Basic TPS examples of application in Hospitals, ticketing systems, etc.”
“Great way to see Gemba and understand Kaizen activities. Would be nice to have a coach help me.”
“Plant is really Lean and Well line-balanced. Kaizen sprit is really embedded in the culture.”   

Office Kaizen Lean for Operations, Service, and Support
Basic TPS-Based Office Kaizen in Japan (Private)  

“I participated for a better understanding of Office Kaizen. I ended up learning a lot from the lectures and hands-on practice.”
“It was easier to understand because there are some similarities with Kaizen steps for manufacturing; such as visualization and rooting-out problems. I could understand how to think about, and implement, Office Kaizen.”
“The Hoshin Kanri lecture was great! Excellent to see Hoshin Kanri and Daily management in factory.”
“It was nice to get the opportunity to improve the local process.”
“The exercises are very useful to break down ideas.”

The 20th Gemba Kaizen in Japan  (Private) 

Kaizen training at an actual manufacturing factory was more than I expected. I found the actual site (Gemba) and actual thing (Gembutsu) are important for learning how to promote Kaizen.”
“The host factory’s people were very welcoming, and I was impressed that they worked so happily.”
“Very clear exercise. Built knowledge and confidence.”
“Demonstrates the importance, value and challenges of spending time on the shop floor.”
“Infectious enthusiasm for the subject, very clear teaching, taking time to explain the basics is very important and appreciated.”
“We will send more management staff to benefit from this program.”    

The 19th Gemba Kaizen in Japan (Private) 

“I was able to learn a lot of things to practice Kaizen.”
“This Gemba Kaizen is an eye-opener experience. It is useful for my life and my company.”
“This hands-on experience in Azbil has impressed me and helped make understanding of Kaizen easier.”
“The book, lecture and hands-on practice help to make understanding the lesson easy. The important things in the lesson are made clear.”
“Very educational and helpful to gaining more knowledge.”

 Study Mission /Plant tour in  Japan (Private)  

“Very enjoyable experience of on-site training and how to use Kanban.”
“It is important for Kanban use to abide by the rules with Takt time.”
Kanban planning and grasping the process are important for Kanban. Moreover Kanban usage needs training and exercise. Was able to understand the overview of Kanban flow.”
“Always thinking that investment is the minimum and result is the maximum.”
“One week schedule was very tight, but the order of the schedule was very good and learned a lot of things.”
“Learned TPS from the basics concept and knew depth of Kanban. Found I must still study more.”
“I learnt a lot at Toyota visit and my motivation has increased. It is returning the favor to many people who cooperated for this Study Mission.”
“On-site training of Karakuri module assembling was very good.”
“AGV was introduced 12-13 years ago but amazingly many AGVs are efficiently running. Have been seen AGV running outside of the plant for the first time.”
“All the tools place and what work in which location for Karakuri parts supply is determined.”
“Supply what is needed, when needed in a very limited space, and everything is moving parts and equipment closer to workers for better efficiency.”
“General tools (Kogu) become special tools (Dogu) by applied Karakuri.”

2018 " Lean Revival" Seminar in Seattle, WA
How to Create at a Glace / Value of Lead Time Reduction  

SGC’s small-group seminars allow a chance for intimate Q&A; Art’s contribution to SGC’s seminars is possible the most popular portion every year. For people who are embarking on their “Kaizen journey”, attendance is a must!

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Art Byrne has been implementing Lean strategies in various US-based manufacturing and service companies for more than 30 years. Among these, Danaher Corporation and The Wiremold Company, which he ran for 11 years. He now serves as Operating Partner at the private equity firm, J. W. Childs Associates L.P. 

2018 " Lean Revival" Seminar in Seattle, WA 
How to Create at a Glace / Value of Lead Time Reduction 

“This was amazing. I look forward to future classes!”
“Excellent seminar especially for the short time. Good balance of activities and lectures.”
“I found this extremely helpful. Getting information directly was better!”
“Good reminder of roots, good mix of talking, video and slides – engaging.”
“First time I have seen that map style. Really liked it. Exercise did a good job of how to apply.”
“Liked the opportunity to hear from Dinesh!”

Learn True Lean from KAIZEN Pioneer in Jackson, TN 
Value of Lead Time Reduction and Logistics 

“I learned a lot – the foundational information on TPS was most helpful.”
“Mr. Byrne was the glue that pulled everything together. TBDN lecture – very useful information for everyday management issues.”
“Plant tour demonstrated application of TPS; very informative and helpful. Mr. Byrne gave great explanation and shared experiences to reinforce TPS.”
“It was good to see Kaizen / Daily management on going.”
“The people at SGC are dedicated to making your Lean transformation a success!”
“Very useful refresher on the fundamentals of Kaizen.”
“The tour and speakers provided motivation to return and wake up our own efforts on Kaizen.”


Executive Tour in Japan (Private)

“The tour was very enlightening and interesting to be thrust into the middle of a culture that is so totally devoted to the Lean philosophy and business system. Training in Kaizen and Toyota Production System are the heart of the company’s strategy. The goal is zero defects. For us, the ideas of identifying defects at the source prior to sending a transaction forward are most useful. Mistakes must be found at the point of origin and not passed on down the line. Quality has to be pursued along every link of the supply chain, with active cooperation from everyone, from suppliers to the frontline employee.”
Peter N. James
Executive Vice President, Textron Financial Corporation

Executive Tour in Japan (Private)

“I found the Shingijutsu Japan Lean Tour to be an excellent way to see Lean principles in motion. From complex to simple assembly, the factory tours unlocked the mysteries of the Toyota Production System and provided me with numerous outstanding examples of shop floor applications. The tours were complimented with experienced consultants and guides that were very knowledgeable in all the principles of Lean. Face to face meetings with senior company executives provided our group with an opportunity to ask questions about their Lean journey and the secrets of successful implementation of Lean principles. Overall, the seminar is a must for senior executives responsible for leading a Lean transformation in their respective companies.” 

Jim Pinto
Vice President, Supply Chain, Textron Fluid and Power

Free seminar on Kanban Operation and Heijunka Production
Toulouse, France

“The seminar on Kanban Operation and Heijunka Production was very well received by the audience. The simulations made the techniques, principles, and applications very easy to understand. I felt the simulation with a very good understanding of Kanban types, material and information flows, and Heijunka scheduling. The presenters, Iwata-san and Koide-san were excellent. I would recommend this seminar for any level of Lean practitioner or anyone looking to apply Lean production techniques to their business.”

Benny Leppert
Boeing 787 Lean Design / Build 

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